How Much Does A Home Generator Cost? Whole House Generator

Generator Mechanic - Guide
7 min readJul 29, 2023


In times of unpredictable weather and power outages, having a reliable backup power source is crucial for the safety and comfort of your family.

Home generators offer the perfect solution, providing a seamless transition to electricity supply during emergencies. However, before you make a decision one important question looms How much does a home generator cost?

In this post we will explore various factors that influence the cost of whole house generators, helping you make an informed choice that aligns with your needs and budget.

How Much Does A Home Generator Cost?

The cost of a home generator can vary widely depending on the size, brand, and features. On average, a basic home generator can cost anywhere from $5,00 to $2,000. However, larger and more advanced models can range from $2,000 to $10,000 or more. It’s best to research specific models and consult with a professional to get a more accurate estimate for your needs.

Factors That Affect Home Generator Costs

Here is the (7 factors) to keep in mind whole house generator cost.

  • Generator Type
  • Power Capacity and Size
  • Fuel Type
  • Brand and Model
  • Installation Complexity
  • Concrete Pad
  • Location

1. Generator Type

The type of whole house generator you choose will significantly impact the overall cost. There are two primary types: standby generators and portable generators. Standby generators, which automatically switch on during power outages, are typically more expensive than portable generators that require manual setup.

2. Power Capacity and Size

The first factor that significantly affects the cost of a home generator is its power capacity and size. The larger the generator’s capacity, the higher the price. When determining the right size for your home, consider the electrical load you need to support during an outage. A professional assessment can help you choose the appropriate power capacity, ensuring your generator meets the demand without overspending.

3. Fuel Type

Home generators come in different fuel options, including gas, diesel, propane, and natural gas. Each fuel type has its pros and cons, and they can influence the overall cost. Gasoline and diesel generators tend to be more affordable upfront, but fuel costs can vary. Propane and natural gas generators may have higher initial costs, but they often provide a more cost-effective fuel supply in the long run.

4. Brand and Model

The brand and model of the home generator can significantly impact its price. Reputable brands with a proven track record of reliability and performance may come with a higher price tag. However, investing in a well-known brand can offer peace of mind and potential cost savings through reduced maintenance and longevity.

5. Installation Complexity

Proper installation is crucial for the efficient and safe operation of a home generator. Complex installation requirements, such as integrating the generator with your home’s electrical system and fuel supply, can add to the overall cost. It is recommended to hire a professional electrician or generator installer to ensure a smooth and compliant setup.

6. Concrete Pad

Standby generators require a stable and level concrete pad for proper installation. The cost of pouring the concrete pad should be factored into the overall installation cost of the generator.

7. Location

The location of the generator installation can impact costs. If the installation site requires additional preparation or modifications, such as trenching for fuel lines or electrical connections, it can add to the overall expenses.

Average Cost Ranges for Different Home Generators

Portable Generators

Portable generators are versatile and cost-effective options for short-term power needs. They typically range in price from $500 to $2,000, depending on the power capacity and features. While they are more budget-friendly upfront, keep in mind that portable generators require manual setup and refueling during operation.

Standby Generators

If you’re looking for a more reliable and automated solution, standby generators are a popular choice. These generators are permanently installed outside your home and can automatically switch on during a power outage. The cost of standby generators varies based on power capacity, ranging from $5,000 to $15,000 or more. While the initial investment might be higher, the convenience and peace of mind they offer are well worth it.

Inverter Generators

Inverter generators are known for their fuel efficiency and low noise levels, making them ideal for sensitive electronics and recreational activities. The price of inverter generators typically falls between $500 and $3,000, depending on the power output and features. Although they might have a higher upfront cost than traditional portable generators, their efficiency can save you money in the long run.

Solar Generator

The average cost range for solar generators can vary significantly depending on the size, capacity, and additional features. Solar generators are eco-friendly and harness renewable energy from the sun, making them a popular choice for sustainable power solutions.

Here’s a general overview of the cost ranges for solar generators:

Portable Solar Generators

  • Small portable solar generators: $100 to $500
  • Mid-range portable solar generators: $500 to $1,500
  • High-capacity portable solar generators: $1,500 to $3,000

Portable solar generators are suitable for camping, outdoor activities, or providing emergency power to charge small devices and run low-power appliances.

Home Solar Power Systems (Solar Panels with Battery Storage)

  • Small home solar power systems: $3,000 to $8,000
  • Medium-sized home solar power systems: $8,000 to $20,000
  • Large home solar power systems: $20,000 to $40,000 or more

Home solar power systems include solar panels that generate electricity during sunny days and store excess energy in batteries for use during the night or when the sun isn’t shining. The cost of these systems depends on the number of solar panels, battery capacity, and installation complexity.

Whole House Solar Power Systems

Whole house solar power systems with battery storage: $20,000 to $50,000 or more

Whole house solar power systems are designed to meet the energy demands of an entire household. These systems require a larger number of solar panels and a more substantial battery capacity to power all the appliances and systems in the home.

It’s important to note that these cost ranges are approximate and can vary based on factors such as the geographic location, installation costs, available incentives or rebates, and the quality of components used in the solar generator system. Additionally, larger and more sophisticated solar generator systems that aim to meet the entire energy needs of a household may require professional design and installation to ensure optimal performance and efficiency.

Before investing in a solar generator, it’s advisable to consult with a reputable solar energy provider or installer who can assess your specific energy requirements and recommend the most suitable system for your home while considering your budget and long-term savings.

Additional Costs to Consider

Maintenance and Service

Home generators require regular maintenance to ensure reliable performance during emergencies. The costs associated with maintenance can vary, ranging from $100 to $500 annually. Investing in proper maintenance can prolong the life of your generator and prevent costly repairs down the road.

Transfer Switches

To enable seamless power transfer between the generator and your home’s electrical system, a transfer switch is essential. Transfer switch costs depend on the type and capacity needed, ranging from $500 to $2,000 or more. Professional installation is crucial to ensure the transfer switch operates safely and effectively.

Permits and Local Regulations

Before installing a home generator, check local building codes and regulations. Obtaining permits and adhering to safety standards might add to the overall cost. The permit fees can range from $100 to $500, depending on your location and the complexity of the installation.

Stay tuned for the next part of our guide, where we’ll provide tips for cost savings and smart decision-making when purchasing a home generator!

Tips for Cost Savings

Evaluating Power Needs

To avoid overspending on a home generator, carefully assess your power requirements during an outage. Consider the essential appliances and systems you want to power, such as lights, refrigerators, heating or cooling systems, and medical equipment. By calculating your power needs accurately, you can choose a generator that meets your requirements without unnecessary extra capacity, which can lead to higher costs.

Exploring Financing Options and Incentives

Home generators are significant investments, but various financing options are available to help spread out the cost. Some manufacturers or dealers may offer financing plans, allowing you to pay in installments over time. Additionally, check for any government or utility incentives or rebates that can offset the initial purchase price, making the investment more affordable.

Considering Used or Refurbished Generators

If you are on a tight budget, consider exploring used or refurbished home generators. Reputable dealers may offer certified pre-owned generators that have undergone thorough inspections and refurbishment. While used generators may have a lower upfront cost, ensure you inspect the unit carefully and verify its condition before making a purchase.


We hope this comprehensive guide has provided valuable insights into the cost considerations of home generators. Remember to consult with a professional generator dealer or electrician to help you select the best generator for your home’s specific requirements.


Q1. How much does a home generator cost?

Home generator costs vary depending on the type and capacity. Generally, portable models start around $500, while standby generators range from $2,000 to $15,000.

Q2. What factors influence the cost of a home generator?

Home generator costs are affected by factors such as the generator’s power capacity, type, fuel, (portable or standby), brand, installation requirements, and additional features.

Q3. How does the power capacity of a home generator impact its price?

The power capacity of a home generator directly influences the cost. Higher capacity generators capable of powering more appliances and systems tend to be more expensive.

Q4. Are standby generators more costly than portable ones?

Yes, standby generators are generally more expensive than portable generators due to their permanent installation, higher power output, and automatic operation.

Q5. Are there any ongoing expenses associated with owning a home generator?

Yes, owning a home generator incurs ongoing expenses like routine maintenance, fuel costs, and potential repair fees, which should be considered when budgeting for a generator.



Generator Mechanic - Guide

generator mechanic guide is an informational blog to provide a detailed guide to different generators and troubleshooting advice can help my reader.